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World Peace Newsletter HOME PAGE - Click Here. The online newsletter for internal peace, external peace and world peace - life tips, health tips, laughter tips, happiness tips, anger tips, depression tips, fitness tips, nutrition tips, computeritis tips, sleeping tips, allergy tips, asthma tips, cellulitis tips, mental tips, universal consciousness tips, memory tips, drawing tips, dream tips, subconscious tips, intuition tips, goal setting tips, personal achievement tips, wealth tips, success tips, values and beliefs, integrity tips, reincarnation tips, love & marriage tips, parenting tips, technology tips, web page design tips, universe tips, E=mc² tips, marvels of the pyramids, stress tips, education tips, peace tips and more. Peace within means peace without.
This newsletter exists for one purpose - To promote Peace!
There are many ways to accomplish peace but the best way is to find it within yourself. Peace is not some grand event that occurs because some great leader appears and proclaims peace. No, peace is something that must grow within each of us until one day it just simply becomes our nature. For this to happen, our knowledge of ourselves and our world must improve. Peace, like reading, writing, mathematics and drawing, is a learned skill that increases our awareness. Peace is perhaps the most important lesson we should learn during our lives and the sooner the better. The advent of the internet may just be the boost in knowledge we have been waiting for. Through knowledge, Peace will evolve.
WPE PHOTO SITE #5 - The Huntington Botanical Gardens - Click Here
The first goal of WPE is merely to promote World Peace as a viable possibility by breaking it down into small steps. Step 1: Find Peace within. Step 2: Teach others the ways of Peace. Step 3: Strive to Evolve. The steps keep going until we reach paradise and beyond, Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All!
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For those of you wondering how this web site can "make a profit" without sponsors and by selling items below cost (or giving them away), the answer is simple - Peace is our profit. This newsletter would be an absolute failure if any author were to make money off of this web site. Other than that, we are impatient. We want peace and we want it now! We don't want to wait until the governments of the world get their act together. It's time for us to get OUR act together and do something we should have done long ago - Find Peace. By constantly improving this web site we have found a steady way to increase our inner peace. After a year of revisions and improvements, we feel like we now have somewhere to turn whenever we need a little help with our problems (which are becoming fewer and fewer). A web site, unlike a book, a movie or a song, can be easily modified, reorganized and updated as new correlations, insights and current events unfold. The more we learn, the more likely we will find the path to world peace. The world wide web will be the vehicle to get us there (if it stays open).
Positive Signs of Evolving Peace:
By viewing this newsletter, you have just become one of the most important signs that peace is at hand. Find Peace and share it with others. Thank you and bless you!
Last updated: 6/2/01 ...Have an Uplifting Day!
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The photos in this web site may not be re-produced for commercial purposes.
WPE PHOTO SITE #5 - The Huntington Botanical Gardens - Click Here
Thanks for visiting World Peace Newsletter. 1996-2013. WPE